Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A day in the life of Tiffany Phillips

Well lets see my day starts out just like every normal teen, I fight myself to wake up in the morning and fight Cody to wake up to. Than get ready for school where I spend most of my mornings at, and right from there is work. But I usually only work til around five or six and that's when the fun begins. After work I get in my little blue truck, or like the guys like to call it the "blue rocket" and head over to the best friends house. Here is where all the entertainment happens. I'm usually one of two girls that are there compared to around seven guys, but its oh so fun. Our day can consist of anything from sitting around talking to somehow getting into random karaoke sessions. Or when we really get bored thats when the mudding kicks it. Oh yes, ts our favorite thing to do( look at the picture can you tell we have a little to much fun?) Than as soon as the sun goes down is when the fun happens. Deer spotting is our thing. There is usually anywhere from three to nine of us out spotting deer. But its not only spotting its sitting in the truck(yes the big black dodge) jamming out to music, country music that is, and to be even more specific Kiss my Country Ass. When this song comes on everyone starts singing and usually does hand motions to go along with it, never gets old. And Kyle trying to run off the road to hit a buck that he just saw, oh my god, I may scream and cover my eyes but once I realize that we survived, it couldn't be funnier. Than coming home to just have fun, but usually somehow we get into hitting battles. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't go home with a bruise but don't worry the guys get there share of bruises to. And you cant forgot the game of twister, who doesn't like to play twister? But twister Tiffany style is a whole other story, we have spinner rules where they decide what happens, Jail house rules where you can knock each other over, and girl or boy rules when they decide what happens. So that is a typical day of my life, to you it might sound like i get beat up and abused by guys all day but i look at it as fun.

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