Friday, January 29, 2010


So as you might have noticed by now from reading my blogs i like to hang out with a bunch of rednecks, and they believe in doing everything there way, which brings me to my next story. We recently turned Kyles garage into a hang out so all the kids wouldn't be upstairs bugging the crap out of momma. It is actually pretty cool, we have two couches, a t.v., an x-box 360, and two blacks. Most of the time the guys are playing x-box or working on the four wheelers that also accompany the garage but it does get a little cold down here. And that's exactly what the guys, to be exact Cody and Kyle thought yesterday, that they were cold. So they decided to take a little green camping grill and light to put off heat. Well this idea worked for about five minutes until the wrong part of the burner caught fire and the flames started to get higher. They tried turning the knob got turn the flames out but it didn't work, so somehow Cody got the bright idea to pick it up and carry it outside. Cody than grabbed one end while Kyle grabbed the other, but since of course it was on fire it was hot. Kyle than burned his hand and dropped the ON FIRE grill. The carpet caught fire, so as Kyle is jumping over the flames to grab the hose, Cody throws the grill outside, all but catching the grass on fire, while I'm freaking out because my three year old cousin is less than i foot away from the flames. But on the upside no one got hurt, the house is still standing and we now know how to work the grill. Oh, man what a funny story looking back now,

1 comment:

  1. I think we all have those stories that are not funny when they are happening, but then we look back and laugh. I think its what keeps us sane.


