Wednesday, February 17, 2010

School, work, homework, repeat

I feel like that is the story of my life. I go to school every morning except one during the week, than right after school, and i literally mean right after school i go to work. Mondays and Wednesdays i have school to 145 and have to be at work by 230, and Tuesdays and Thursdays i have school til 1045 and have to be at work by 1130. Then i work my shifts which can be anywhere from four hours and day to tweleve hours a day. Which is HELL!! I work at Giant in manchester and right now it is so slow during the day, we dont do anything but stand around and talk. Which is sorta like getting free money but it makes it feel like the time passes s slow....ugh its torture. On top of that i go home and have to do homework. I have no life basically because im always writing reports for some class or doing stupid math zone for math class. So now, to make it all worst, i have no car and they are making me work everyday. Really?, other people are begging for hours, i mean i do need my hours but i do need breaks to. So that is the story of my life and the complaining i have to do for this week

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My first head on collision

So i use to like the snow until it baiscally ruined my life. Since we got that big snow on Tuesday i had to leacve my truck sit at Giant, my job in Manchester. I left it there all night Tuesday, all day and night Wednesday, and almost all day Thursday than i got bored. So i had my friend Stauby take me there so i can pick my truck up at about 4:30ish or 5. Well everything was ok and fine and dandy until i made it about half way home. I was going down Canal Rd, almost at the four way intersection of Canal and the Susqhanna trail when i hit a patch of snow. I had an 1989 chevy s10 tahoe that sucked when it was wet out so imagine snow. Well the snow caught the back end of my truck and threw me to the side. For anyone who knows this area knows that its up hill. It than threw mw in the other lane taking me completely sideways up the hill. The other truck that was involved stopped but it was too late. it was a head on collision with a Chevy S10 and a Ford f150. The S10 lost. Plus since i had such an old truck, it didnt have air bags, throwing me and Brianna, the girl who was with me, forward. She hit the dash and i hit the steering wheel but luckyily we are both ok. We had minor bacl pain and i had a swollen hand but thats about it. I hit the steering wheel so hard with my hand that it bent my Claddah ring that i alway wear. But i have ggod friends taht help me threw it. Stauby stopped and waited with us until the cops got there, and he held me while i cried, Briannas mom came and so did Quan, Kyle, chris, Shawn, and Pat. it was basically my whole crew except Cody cause he was working. They gave me alot of supprt. My family on the other hand are complete assholes. They wont even talk to me now and they didnt even really care if i was ok. They are just mad that i wrecked teh truck, or should i say totaled the truck. I havent really gone home since and i havent tlaked to them because all we do is fight. I might have to drop my class because i dont know if i have rides all the time, so if anyone can help with that please let me know. I cant really do anything now without a car, and to top it off money was stolen from Codys house, which is my boyfriend and since i was there around the time i had to be questioned by the cops, I was even mirandize! So that is my sucky life right now. If anyone lives in dover and can give me a ride i would greatly appriecate it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowed in

So its is now Wednesday morning and it is still snowing! I cant believe it is almost the middle of Feb. and we have this much snow on the ground. Dont get me wrong i love the snow and all but when you work at Giant(which i do), and its suppose to snow it becomes hell on earth. Everyone comes rushing out all at once and i swear buy the whole damn store. On friday when we got all the snow, our shelves where empty, and to top it all off, i got called in on all my days off, and Friday i worked a 12 hour shift, 12 HOURS!!! Also yesterday i worked a 12 HOUR shoft because everyone keep callign off. And when you work the gas hut after about 9 hours down there you get so lonely. ANyhow back to being snowed in, at least its not at my house. I go snowed in at my best friends house. It is always so much fun here and i feel more at home here than at my own house. They treat me alot better. With me Brianna, Quan, and Kyle being the only ones here right now. even more fun. Hmmm....what shall we do...maybe go jump off the deck into the snow, sounds fun to me. Or maybe we should try to con Pizza hut into delivering us a pizza. I could eat some pizza right about now. Or maybe i should write my narritive that ii didnt even start yet. Maybe that is what im going to do.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Let it snow let it snow!!!

I dont know what it is about me and snow. Maybe it has to do with the fact that im only 18 and i still like to act like a kid, but i just love the snow. As soon as it starts to lay im in my eight layers of clothes out playing in it. I love snow ball fights with the crew and most of all i love snow mobiles. I never once thought that i would ever be even to get the chance to ride on one but lat time we got all the snow i did! At first Kyle was a little ify about letting me a Brianna, which is his sister drive them so i was just riding with him. I was safe a wore a helmet but somehow Kyle managed to flip us. But we got right back on and went to a feild. There i fell off two more time and the one time I hit so hard that my helmet flew off and thats when i hit my head. BUt once again im a trooper and climbed right back on. We than decided to ride the snow mobiles from Helam to Dover and back. Oh what a ride. It was probably the funnist thing i ever did. So as i sit here at work in the gas hut for the next hour hours out of my 11 hour shift and watch the snow fall, im hoping it lays so we can get the snow mobiles right back out and have some fun. Except this time the guys have their four wheelers which means that me and Brianna get to have the snow mobiles all to ourselves(which kinda scares me because Brianna wrecked last time). But we'll be ok as long as we wear helmats right? Well thats at least how i look at it. And i know teh guys are a little afraid to let us ride them because they are racing ones and they are very fast. They say they dont want to have to unwrap us from around a tree. They are my family, nand they care. So as i sit here and watch the snow, i;ll also be convincing them into leting us ride them. Dont worry you'll ride about that next time!!