Friday, February 5, 2010

Let it snow let it snow!!!

I dont know what it is about me and snow. Maybe it has to do with the fact that im only 18 and i still like to act like a kid, but i just love the snow. As soon as it starts to lay im in my eight layers of clothes out playing in it. I love snow ball fights with the crew and most of all i love snow mobiles. I never once thought that i would ever be even to get the chance to ride on one but lat time we got all the snow i did! At first Kyle was a little ify about letting me a Brianna, which is his sister drive them so i was just riding with him. I was safe a wore a helmet but somehow Kyle managed to flip us. But we got right back on and went to a feild. There i fell off two more time and the one time I hit so hard that my helmet flew off and thats when i hit my head. BUt once again im a trooper and climbed right back on. We than decided to ride the snow mobiles from Helam to Dover and back. Oh what a ride. It was probably the funnist thing i ever did. So as i sit here at work in the gas hut for the next hour hours out of my 11 hour shift and watch the snow fall, im hoping it lays so we can get the snow mobiles right back out and have some fun. Except this time the guys have their four wheelers which means that me and Brianna get to have the snow mobiles all to ourselves(which kinda scares me because Brianna wrecked last time). But we'll be ok as long as we wear helmats right? Well thats at least how i look at it. And i know teh guys are a little afraid to let us ride them because they are racing ones and they are very fast. They say they dont want to have to unwrap us from around a tree. They are my family, nand they care. So as i sit here and watch the snow, i;ll also be convincing them into leting us ride them. Dont worry you'll ride about that next time!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you were having fun!! Now that I'm a little older the cold really gets to me, but that didn't stop me from taking a run on my sons little four-wheeler! haha That must of looked so hysterical. We sold our Grizzly a few years back. I really miss running from the police on that thing!! Keep having fun, but please be careful. We hear too many horror stories of snow mobile and four wheeler accidents. Watch out for wire fences!!!!
