Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowed in

So its is now Wednesday morning and it is still snowing! I cant believe it is almost the middle of Feb. and we have this much snow on the ground. Dont get me wrong i love the snow and all but when you work at Giant(which i do), and its suppose to snow it becomes hell on earth. Everyone comes rushing out all at once and i swear buy the whole damn store. On friday when we got all the snow, our shelves where empty, and to top it all off, i got called in on all my days off, and Friday i worked a 12 hour shift, 12 HOURS!!! Also yesterday i worked a 12 HOUR shoft because everyone keep callign off. And when you work the gas hut after about 9 hours down there you get so lonely. ANyhow back to being snowed in, at least its not at my house. I go snowed in at my best friends house. It is always so much fun here and i feel more at home here than at my own house. They treat me alot better. With me Brianna, Quan, and Kyle being the only ones here right now. even more fun. Hmmm....what shall we do...maybe go jump off the deck into the snow, sounds fun to me. Or maybe we should try to con Pizza hut into delivering us a pizza. I could eat some pizza right about now. Or maybe i should write my narritive that ii didnt even start yet. Maybe that is what im going to do.

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