Sunday, March 28, 2010

My family

Wow. You never know who your going to consider your family. I never once could ahve imagined my life to be this way and it all started form one game of football. I always been a tom boy so i like to do most things that guys like to do...playing football is ont he top of the list. So everyday that the guys in the development played football, me and Brooke were right there with them, ususally the only two girls out of twenty people playing. And believe me, we got treated and acted just like one of the guys.. no special treatment. Well one day two new people decided they wanted to play, Chris and Quan. Well they had no idea who anyone was or anything so we just acted like we knew them. Well we connected right away and before you knew it i was hanging out over at chris's house. This became my new home and my new family. So many new people been coming and going. It only started out as being me, Chris, Quan, Brianna, Kyle, and Devin. We were the best of friends. We did everything together, Than Dane and Cody came into the picture and me and Cody had an connection. We started to date a couple months later in decemeber and are still together now. Than more and more people started coming. Nate, Cody, Dannie, Kortney, Steven, Zach everyone. My family consist of, Momma, chris, Kyle, Brianna, Kortney, Nate, Quan, Devin, Dannie,. Keirra, Cody, Dane, Zach, Steven, Lauren, Cody, Sandy, Frag, Shawn and probably others that im forgetting. To me, family isnt just those who share a name or parents but ones taht can mke you laugh while your crying, or make you feel good about yourself when you dont. they are the ones that tell you you can when the rest tell you you cant. To me, these kids are my family. They are the ones love the most. Now on the pictire were missing, Momma, Cody, Dane, Chris, and Keirra. But these people are my family

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things are getting better

As of last week things in my life have started to get better. Rememeber how i wrote about me and Cody breaking up? Well we were broken up for about two to three weeks and i tried to hate him with everything i had. I said i hated him, didnt talk to him, talked bad about him, deleted pictures, and even set a really mean song as his ringtone. But than at Kyles surprise party i saw him for the first time since the break up and alot of feelings came back. So we talked alittle sunday, and monday he called and woke me up and we talked alittle more. But Tuesday is when the magic happened. He called me Tuesday night and asked me if i talked to his mom, which we are really close. I said no and he asked me to call him back when i got home so i did. I was kind of mean and than he asked me to come over and talk so i did. We talked for hours. He told me he missed me and so forth and finallhy on wednesday he aske me back out. I felt like a weight was lifyed. And than things just kept getting better and better. I dont know what it is but its happening. I have friends who are my family and family im meeting for the first time. I always knew i had another sister and brother and a neice and nephew. I just never ment them or talked to them until last weekend when my sister Torrey, decided to contact me and my other sister brittney. We talked and then met her and her daughter for the first time. It felt good knowing they care enought o find us and get to know us. Lets just say i ahve alot more to smile about now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

surprise party

so sunday was my best friends, kyles birthday. he was turing the big 18 and me and his mom decided to throw him a surprsie party, but she left everything up to me! let me tell ya thats the last time i ever do that they are so stressful! Kyle still goes to school, vo tech to be excat. And since i never went there i didnt know any of his friends from there. So to invite people i stole his phone and wrote down numbers and texted them telling them about it and i had one of his other friends telling people about it. Than some idioit told him about it and we had to play it off. I was so scared that it wouldnt have worked out but it did...really well to. alot of peopel came and he was surprise and shocked taht it happened. But, for my family when someone turns 18 they get all sex stuff for therer birthday so thats what i got Kyle. I brought hima whip, a candy thong, and candy boobs, oh and i made hhim two penis cakes. Well the one was smashed in my face and turned into a big cake battle. it was so fun. OS i than decided to take the whip and whip kyle with it, yea bad idea he beat the crap out of me with it. Than he held me while cody, my ex beat me so i got cody baack with it. But i guess i hit him harder than i thougth because he had a huge welt on his arm and i broke the whip. All together it turned out to be a really good party. it was def worth all the stress and everything that i went through to plan it. It shows that i care and well do anything for my best friend. Now lets see if he remembers mine, considering its only 16 days after his.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feels like her world is crashing down

Ever since my car accident on February 11,2010 i feel like everything is just getting worst and worst. I dont have a car so i sit at home most of the times on my days off of work alone, adn do nothing. Or at least thats how it was until Friday when i reconnected with the past. I use to have a best firend named Brooke and we did everything together, and i mean everything(except shower), lat summer. I particually lived at her house with her. We went to the beach together, we went to knoebels together, we splet in the same bed together, got in trouble with the cops together, got tattoos together, (matching ones), and she even was the one that helped me get my job. It was like two peas in a pod until drama started with other friends and she got stuck in the middle and we stopped talking all winter and fall and just now started talking again. So now i hang out with her and Heather who i also stopped talking ot for a while. But anyway thats about the only good thing, now the rest is drama. Momma and her boyfriend broke up and drama started with that and somehow everyone comes to be to talk and than my words get twisted and i get stuck in the middle with the he said she said bullshit. I feel like i dont have my best friend Kyle anymore, and to top it all off me and Cody, who was the boyfriend broke. Which to be surprised i was upset at first until i took the phone back that i brought him and read the text to other girls. It was like Jerry Springer shit, lol. But we are still on talking terms and i gave him the stuff back that i brought except the cell phone and we talkd everyday since we broke up. So i dont know what to do anymore. Sometimes i just wanna curl up and lay around in bed all day long and do nothing and other times i feel like i want to go out and be rebelous agianst the world. HMMM THE SECOND CHOICE SOUNDS ALOT BETTER!! The picture is kyle my best friend

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

School, work, homework, repeat

I feel like that is the story of my life. I go to school every morning except one during the week, than right after school, and i literally mean right after school i go to work. Mondays and Wednesdays i have school to 145 and have to be at work by 230, and Tuesdays and Thursdays i have school til 1045 and have to be at work by 1130. Then i work my shifts which can be anywhere from four hours and day to tweleve hours a day. Which is HELL!! I work at Giant in manchester and right now it is so slow during the day, we dont do anything but stand around and talk. Which is sorta like getting free money but it makes it feel like the time passes s slow....ugh its torture. On top of that i go home and have to do homework. I have no life basically because im always writing reports for some class or doing stupid math zone for math class. So now, to make it all worst, i have no car and they are making me work everyday. Really?, other people are begging for hours, i mean i do need my hours but i do need breaks to. So that is the story of my life and the complaining i have to do for this week

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My first head on collision

So i use to like the snow until it baiscally ruined my life. Since we got that big snow on Tuesday i had to leacve my truck sit at Giant, my job in Manchester. I left it there all night Tuesday, all day and night Wednesday, and almost all day Thursday than i got bored. So i had my friend Stauby take me there so i can pick my truck up at about 4:30ish or 5. Well everything was ok and fine and dandy until i made it about half way home. I was going down Canal Rd, almost at the four way intersection of Canal and the Susqhanna trail when i hit a patch of snow. I had an 1989 chevy s10 tahoe that sucked when it was wet out so imagine snow. Well the snow caught the back end of my truck and threw me to the side. For anyone who knows this area knows that its up hill. It than threw mw in the other lane taking me completely sideways up the hill. The other truck that was involved stopped but it was too late. it was a head on collision with a Chevy S10 and a Ford f150. The S10 lost. Plus since i had such an old truck, it didnt have air bags, throwing me and Brianna, the girl who was with me, forward. She hit the dash and i hit the steering wheel but luckyily we are both ok. We had minor bacl pain and i had a swollen hand but thats about it. I hit the steering wheel so hard with my hand that it bent my Claddah ring that i alway wear. But i have ggod friends taht help me threw it. Stauby stopped and waited with us until the cops got there, and he held me while i cried, Briannas mom came and so did Quan, Kyle, chris, Shawn, and Pat. it was basically my whole crew except Cody cause he was working. They gave me alot of supprt. My family on the other hand are complete assholes. They wont even talk to me now and they didnt even really care if i was ok. They are just mad that i wrecked teh truck, or should i say totaled the truck. I havent really gone home since and i havent tlaked to them because all we do is fight. I might have to drop my class because i dont know if i have rides all the time, so if anyone can help with that please let me know. I cant really do anything now without a car, and to top it off money was stolen from Codys house, which is my boyfriend and since i was there around the time i had to be questioned by the cops, I was even mirandize! So that is my sucky life right now. If anyone lives in dover and can give me a ride i would greatly appriecate it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowed in

So its is now Wednesday morning and it is still snowing! I cant believe it is almost the middle of Feb. and we have this much snow on the ground. Dont get me wrong i love the snow and all but when you work at Giant(which i do), and its suppose to snow it becomes hell on earth. Everyone comes rushing out all at once and i swear buy the whole damn store. On friday when we got all the snow, our shelves where empty, and to top it all off, i got called in on all my days off, and Friday i worked a 12 hour shift, 12 HOURS!!! Also yesterday i worked a 12 HOUR shoft because everyone keep callign off. And when you work the gas hut after about 9 hours down there you get so lonely. ANyhow back to being snowed in, at least its not at my house. I go snowed in at my best friends house. It is always so much fun here and i feel more at home here than at my own house. They treat me alot better. With me Brianna, Quan, and Kyle being the only ones here right now. even more fun. Hmmm....what shall we do...maybe go jump off the deck into the snow, sounds fun to me. Or maybe we should try to con Pizza hut into delivering us a pizza. I could eat some pizza right about now. Or maybe i should write my narritive that ii didnt even start yet. Maybe that is what im going to do.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Let it snow let it snow!!!

I dont know what it is about me and snow. Maybe it has to do with the fact that im only 18 and i still like to act like a kid, but i just love the snow. As soon as it starts to lay im in my eight layers of clothes out playing in it. I love snow ball fights with the crew and most of all i love snow mobiles. I never once thought that i would ever be even to get the chance to ride on one but lat time we got all the snow i did! At first Kyle was a little ify about letting me a Brianna, which is his sister drive them so i was just riding with him. I was safe a wore a helmet but somehow Kyle managed to flip us. But we got right back on and went to a feild. There i fell off two more time and the one time I hit so hard that my helmet flew off and thats when i hit my head. BUt once again im a trooper and climbed right back on. We than decided to ride the snow mobiles from Helam to Dover and back. Oh what a ride. It was probably the funnist thing i ever did. So as i sit here at work in the gas hut for the next hour hours out of my 11 hour shift and watch the snow fall, im hoping it lays so we can get the snow mobiles right back out and have some fun. Except this time the guys have their four wheelers which means that me and Brianna get to have the snow mobiles all to ourselves(which kinda scares me because Brianna wrecked last time). But we'll be ok as long as we wear helmats right? Well thats at least how i look at it. And i know teh guys are a little afraid to let us ride them because they are racing ones and they are very fast. They say they dont want to have to unwrap us from around a tree. They are my family, nand they care. So as i sit here and watch the snow, i;ll also be convincing them into leting us ride them. Dont worry you'll ride about that next time!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


So as you might have noticed by now from reading my blogs i like to hang out with a bunch of rednecks, and they believe in doing everything there way, which brings me to my next story. We recently turned Kyles garage into a hang out so all the kids wouldn't be upstairs bugging the crap out of momma. It is actually pretty cool, we have two couches, a t.v., an x-box 360, and two blacks. Most of the time the guys are playing x-box or working on the four wheelers that also accompany the garage but it does get a little cold down here. And that's exactly what the guys, to be exact Cody and Kyle thought yesterday, that they were cold. So they decided to take a little green camping grill and light to put off heat. Well this idea worked for about five minutes until the wrong part of the burner caught fire and the flames started to get higher. They tried turning the knob got turn the flames out but it didn't work, so somehow Cody got the bright idea to pick it up and carry it outside. Cody than grabbed one end while Kyle grabbed the other, but since of course it was on fire it was hot. Kyle than burned his hand and dropped the ON FIRE grill. The carpet caught fire, so as Kyle is jumping over the flames to grab the hose, Cody throws the grill outside, all but catching the grass on fire, while I'm freaking out because my three year old cousin is less than i foot away from the flames. But on the upside no one got hurt, the house is still standing and we now know how to work the grill. Oh, man what a funny story looking back now,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A day in the life of Tiffany Phillips

Well lets see my day starts out just like every normal teen, I fight myself to wake up in the morning and fight Cody to wake up to. Than get ready for school where I spend most of my mornings at, and right from there is work. But I usually only work til around five or six and that's when the fun begins. After work I get in my little blue truck, or like the guys like to call it the "blue rocket" and head over to the best friends house. Here is where all the entertainment happens. I'm usually one of two girls that are there compared to around seven guys, but its oh so fun. Our day can consist of anything from sitting around talking to somehow getting into random karaoke sessions. Or when we really get bored thats when the mudding kicks it. Oh yes, ts our favorite thing to do( look at the picture can you tell we have a little to much fun?) Than as soon as the sun goes down is when the fun happens. Deer spotting is our thing. There is usually anywhere from three to nine of us out spotting deer. But its not only spotting its sitting in the truck(yes the big black dodge) jamming out to music, country music that is, and to be even more specific Kiss my Country Ass. When this song comes on everyone starts singing and usually does hand motions to go along with it, never gets old. And Kyle trying to run off the road to hit a buck that he just saw, oh my god, I may scream and cover my eyes but once I realize that we survived, it couldn't be funnier. Than coming home to just have fun, but usually somehow we get into hitting battles. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't go home with a bruise but don't worry the guys get there share of bruises to. And you cant forgot the game of twister, who doesn't like to play twister? But twister Tiffany style is a whole other story, we have spinner rules where they decide what happens, Jail house rules where you can knock each other over, and girl or boy rules when they decide what happens. So that is a typical day of my life, to you it might sound like i get beat up and abused by guys all day but i look at it as fun.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The joy that mud could bring.

Yes, world I am talking about the brown nasty dirty mud that forms when it rains. You probably look at it as being in the way, or making your house dirty when the kids track it through the house, but when i think of it I think of fun! There is so many different things to do in the mud, but my favorite i would have to say is going muddin' in a big truck, or to be more specific and big black dodge truck( remember i am a girl, so i don't know all the details). I love going out a making the black truck brown, seeing the rooster tails flying and hearing the sound of mud hit the windshield, what an amazing feeling. Oh but don't worry I'm not the type of girl who just likes to sit in the truck, i like to get down and dirty as well. Mud wrestling, if you never tried it i would definitely recommend it. It is so fun. So next time it rains and you look out the window and see the mud and start dreading the fact that's its soon going to be in your house, rethink and become a big kid and go out and play in it and be the one that tracks it through the house.